Monday, November 3, 2014

Nexus Player Review: Google Just Brought A Stick To A Gunfight


Android TV, and by association Nexus Player, are the evolution of Chromecast. It essentially eliminates the need to use a middleman device like a phone or tablet if the user chooses, and allows them to interface directly with the device and TV in many cases. While it still retains all the functionality of Chromecast, a dedicated box allows for a much more robust and feature-rich system, as well as more room for future enhancements.

The Nexus Player is Google's first real go at a set-top box, and the first Android TV box available on the consumer market. It's the most Google-centric of all the set-top boxes, offering access to essentially all services El Goog offers, like Play Movies, Play Music, Play Games, YouTube, the Play Store, and more. This should be the box for those of us who are heavily invested in the Android ecosystem.

That said, the Nexus Player is still very new, and as a result it has a few...quirks. Some things just don't work as they should right now, and others simply need to be improved. But we'll get into all that as the time comes.


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