Monday, November 3, 2014

Fizzly: the first creative smart tag to enhance your world

Click here to view Fizzly: the first creative smart tag to enhance your world

A Bluetooth LE smart tag you can wear or plug to make your objects smart, enrich your everyday activities and have fun! - [currently $2,293 (5%) of $49,000 goal]

Fizzly is a stylish smart tag that detects movements, events and actions: just wear or place it on anything you like and pair it with your smartphone or tablet, then choose one of the Fizzly apps on your device and step into a totally new experience.

Fizzly will track motion while an app on your smart device will do the rest, creating new amazing kinds of interactions.

Imagine, for example, to track your skateboarding tricks and share your score and achievements with friends. Imagine to be alerted when important things or people get too far from your range. Imagine inventing your own mobile game, playable just waving your hands, like you would do on a Wii®. Fizzly lets you do that. As you can see, Fizzly is not just a smart tag: it is the first creative device that offers you limitless possibilities!

Story continues on Fizzly: the first creative smart tag to enhance your world


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