The thermometer, which uses one of Blue Spark's thin, flexible batteries, will run for 24 hours and while it's intended for kids, can be used by people of any age. The gear will measure temperatures between 86 and 108.3 degrees Fahrenheit, and will offer up trend data to show if things are getting better or worse over time. In addition, you can hook up multiple units depending on how many kids you have, send the data to a doctor and even set alerts depending on when the temperature passes a certain limit.
Months after its CES debut, Blue Spark's TempTraq thermometer is available for a fairly reasonable $25. The Bluetooth patch keeps tabs on a child's temperature in relative comfort for a full 24 hours, giving your progeny a chance to rest instead of enduring yet another probe in the ear. It can warn you if the temperature gets above a certain level, and you can use the Android and iOS apps to log when your tiny patient eats or takes medicine. This won't track the illness from start to finish, unfortunately, but it might be all you need for that one day when you're worried your little one's condition might get worse.
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