Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Floome, a smart breathalyzer, can share your drinking habits with the world


A new smart breathalyzer called Floome is on the market aiming to make blood alcohol content (BAC) measuring fun. The device gets inserted into a device’s audio jack and then the user blows into it. It shares the user’s BAC with the app that saves gender, age, and weight. With all of this information, Floome will inform the user when to take another test before being able to drive again. In the event that the test remains not so great, Floome can redirect the user to call a car service or friend for pickup.

The best thing about Floome, however, is its ability to share a user’s blood alcohol content with the world. The app will forward the measurement to Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. Either your friends/followers will come to the rescue with a pickup or they will laugh all about it as you scratch your head the following morning.


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